#TDMCakna Went Virtual
19 February 2021
A Familiarisation Tour to TDM Plantation Estates and Mill
14 March 2021

TDM Welcomed New Interns

01 March 2021 – TDM Berhad welcomed 15 talented and aspiring undergraduates to start their journey with us, learning hands-on skills and how to apply their hard-earned education. These bright minds first went through onboarding activities and then participated in sharing sessions about internship journey, sexual harassment at workplace, sustainability, and integrity by our very own staff – an insightful and productive first day of internship. 

At TDM Berhad, we are committed to nurturing young talents who are the next generation of thinkers and leaders of tomorrow through our internship opportunity. While there is no doubt that this will be a different experience for these students and our team due to the restrictions presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing remains clear: we strive to deliver the same engaging, industry-leading training as before. #TDMBerhad

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