17th July 2022 – The plantation and healthcare divisions of TDM Berhad, namely TDM Plantation Sdn. Bhd. (TDMP) and Kumpulan Medic Iman Sdn. Bhd. (KMI Healthcare), attended the recent “Sesi Syarahan dan Majlis Pelancaran Yayasan Permata Ummah” by YB Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang at The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya. Gracing the event on behalf of TDMP was its Director YB Che Alias Hamid, while Chief Executive Officer Dr Rayney Azmi Ali joined the crowd representing KMI Healthcare.
At the event, TDMP and KMI Healthcare both extended their support as sponsors to the Yayasan Permata Ummah for its efforts to preserve and enrich the treasures of knowledge by the country’s Islamic Scholars and commitment to carry out charitable drives, extending support to the underserved communities in Malaysia. We wish the Yayasan Permata Ummah continued success as it strives to be at the forefront of social transformation, knowledge enrichment, and leadership empowerment guided by the values of Islam; and fulfilling its agendas for the betterment of all