TDM supports the Terengganu State Government’s purpose and vision to achieve the aspiration of “Baldatun Toyyibatun wa Robbun ghofur” in its entirety and responsibly. TDM is happy to be able to collaborate with Institut Modal Insan Terengganu Sejahtera (i-MiTS) in gathering the Huffaz, one of the projects to improve human capital.
Program Himpunan Huffaz Negeri Terengganu which is located at Madinah Ramadan, Dataran Drawbridge yesterday has successfully gathered 800 Hafiz and Hafizah from all over Terengganu. The Huffaz 3.0 Gathering Program was inaugurated by YB. Ustaz Mohd Nor bin Hamzah, Chairman of the Human Development, Da’wah and Information Committee was accompanied by Ustaz Kamaruzaman Abdullah, Director of i-MiTS and TDM representative Mrs. Norfar’izan Hashim, Head of Corporate Communications.
Looking back at the history, when many huffaz were martyred in the field during the reign of Saidina Abu Bakar, he called the remaining huffaz to carry out the Al-Quran bookkeeping project so that it would not simply disappear with the death of the huffaz.
It is hoped that through initiatives like this would encourage people, especially young people to feel more comfortable and connected with the Al-Quran while at the same time creating more huffaz for the future.