Alhamdulillah, the Khatam Al-Quran and Iftar Ceremony 2024, which was held at Primula Beach Hotel in conjunction with the accomplishment of TDM headquarters employees who have completed reciting the Holy Quran in groups, since the beginning of Ramadan ran smoothly last night.
Haji Najman Kamaruddin, the Executive Director of TDM, along with TDM Management team, led the Quran recitation. Also present to support the program’s success was En. Mohd Kamaruzaman A Wahab, Director of TDM.
Let us take heed and thank Allah SWT for giving us the opportunity to celebrate this meaningful Khatam Al-Quran ceremony.
Quran is a holy scripture full of guidance and wisdom. In the Quran, Allah SWT said, “And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.” (Surah al-Muzzammil: Verse 4).
Let’s keep reciting Quran! May Allah SWT accept all our worships during the month of Ramadan.